On Jan. 30, OMSO met with the boys and girls of the 5th grade class INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS for MARKETING of the Silvio D'Arzo Institute in Montecchio, sharing with them the Company's mission, traditions and innovations.
Acting as the promoter of the match between School and Enterprise was SynergieSchool, a specialized division of Synergie Italia, an Employment Agency that strongly believes in the dialogue between students/students and the Company, believing the latter to be fundamental in fostering the transition between study and the world of work and enhancing the development of soft skills.
The students showed great interest in the Company logic and were impressed by the passion as well as the enthusiasm they breathed in the Company.
We believe that initiatives like this are fundamental to inspire tomorrow's professionals and offer them concrete tools to orient themselves in their path of growth.
A big thank you to the students, faculty and all colleagues who helped make this a meaningful and inspiring experience!